The acclaimed Gangstar series is back on Android devices to offer you a whole new place to have criminally good fun!
You’ll never experience a better way to discover Rio de Janeiro!
For the first time ever in a sandbox game, explore the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Discover 5 different neighborhoods including the favelas, business district, beaches and jungle.
Also, for the first time in the Gangstar series, explore indoor environments fully realized in 3D.
Over 60 varied missions to complete, plus dozens of random events to give you hours of fun.
Kill corrupt politicians, protect witnesses, deliver special packages, steal cars and find out who tried to kill you and leave you for dead.
Access a wide range of weapons like handguns, rifles, bazookas and grenades plus a new local specialty: the Explosive Football.
Also drive dozens of vehicles including planes, helicopters and a tank, and of course, you can steal, purchase and collect dozens of cars and motorbikes.
You can now customize your character. Unlock numerous shirts, pants, hats, glasses and more that you can collect and use to customize your character.
The realism has been pushed even further thanks to various radio stations broadcasting hip hop, electro and funk music with several licensed tracks:
- World Town - M.I.A.
- Office Boy - Bonde do Role
- Lingua de Tamanduá - MV Bill
How to install?
1. Install apk
2. Copy backup to titaniumbackup folder, restore data with TB
3. Copy obb to android/obb
4. Use lucky patcher to remove license using auto mode
5. Run the game
ini yang ane tunggu ,,, :D
ReplyDeletegood job gan xD
ReplyDeleteane ud download nihh..
kyk mn ekstrakny?
ane ud pke File splitter & joiner..
stelah di ekstrak, g bisa dibuka..
mohon pencerahanny gan..
pingin bgt men game ni..
ada SS nya?
Deletebisa di galaxy w gk? trs kalau titaniumbackup folder save nya di PC atau Androidnya?
ReplyDeletesecara teoritis bisa
Deletefile backup nya di taroh di sdcard/titaniumbackup
terus di restore via TB
via TB itu apa ya? ane kurang tau hehe, maklum blm ngerti.
Deletetitanium backup
Deletecoba cari di bagian app :)
ReplyDeleteIt's working on my Arc, Wohoooo!
thanks btw :)
gan ad yg gk pke TB gk?
DeleteAda yg bisa konfirm ga ini bisa jalan di Desire HD? Takutnya udah donlod gede2 gataunya not compatible with my HH :)
ReplyDeleteThanks codearm2!
mau tanya nih,setelah proses bath pada titanium backup,kalao semisal kita mau restore aplikasi game gangstar rio,kira2 milih restore yang mana yah..
ReplyDeleteini ada lima pilihan restore.
1-restore missing apps with data
2-restore all system data
3-restore missing apps and all system data
4-restore newer version of user apps
5-restore all apps with data
kira2 pilih yg mana..mana,,,q ingin pilih si dia,, dia...
q pilih nmr satu tapi kok lama bener yah,terus q kill deh dan q uninstall game nya,lalu q copy lagi datanya via pc,terus q coba buka tb lagi,lalu pilih nmr lima,yah sama aja,,lama kamsud ane..padahal kmarin restore game mas efek cepet..g lama gini
restore apk+data aja kok gan :D
Deletekita tap icon nya di TB , kan ntar muncul restore doang
terus pilih aja apk+ data :D
terima kasih banyak atas bagi2 nya kk,,
udah q lakuin gan,,cuman kok yah laaaaama banget,,udah 7 menit berlalu,masih aja proses restoring...g selesai2 nih..apa ada yg erot yah ma busyboxnya
Deleteudah gw tes ulang barusan bro
Deletelancar kok :D
mungkin error di device nya :p
salah ketik gan,bukan busybox nya tapi TB nya apa yg erot yah..hemm
ReplyDeletesekarang hampir 10 menit,masih aja proses restoring selesai nya yah...ha33
ane bisa kok gan
Deletesekali pilih restore, gak ampe semenit kelar hehehe
bingung juga ya kalau udah gitu,
DeleteI think nothing I can do for you :D
btw, coba download data via wifi :p
wifi,,,wah,bisa seribu malam bisa seribu hari gan..wkwkwk
ReplyDeletewah agan g bilang2 c,kalau mode debug nya harus dihidupin now sakses..wkwkwk
kmarin q ampe flash ulang salah satunya selalu muncul mode debug ketika buka TB.
jadi udah bisa sekarang?
pke xperia neo bisa gak nih?
ReplyDeleteemang khusus buat Adreno bro :D
ReplyDeletesudah bisa masuk c gan,tapi berhenti pada pilihan option,countinue dan exit.[itu lo pas orang gundul mainin pistol nya,yah berhenti disitu doank]
ReplyDeleteada tulisan ilegal,kalo di klik yes malah berhenti,g di klik pun juga berhenti,bolak balik copy data game ampe enam kali juga kagak bisa2..hp ane arc s
RALAT gan,,berhenti pada pilihan:
ReplyDeletethis aplikasi may have been illegaly obtained,for any assistance,please contact gameloft at support
na di situ ada tulisan tombol YES,kalo yes itu di klik maka akan berhenti,cuman denger lagu doank,kalau g di klik tombol yes juga cuman denger lagu doank..he3
apa ada yg salah,semua sdh sesuai wangsit dari agan,tp tetep blm bisa2 juga,,h33
coba di patch pakai lucky patcher
ReplyDeletesebelumnya koneksi internet dimatiin dulu :D
ane buka lucky patcher ,pada tulisan gangstar rio q tahan,tp yg keluar pilihan
ReplyDelete1-remove lisensi
2-remove gogle ads
3-fix dalvik canges
4-change permisi
5-create modified apk
kok g ada pilihan custom patch lagi yah,,
remove lisensi aja :D
ReplyDeleteAt first i got problems to make it works on my Xperia Neo
ReplyDeletebut now it works flawlessly
very nice game!
masih blm bisa gan,,dari remove lisensi,ada empat pilihan,udah q pilih yg nmr satu dan akirnya g bisa,lalu q reinstall tuh ganstar,lalu q coba lagi juga g bisa lalu q coba pilih yg nmr dua dari pilihan remove lisensi juga blm bisa..q reinstall lagi lalu main blm juga blm bisa,semua pilihan diremove lisensi udah q coba satu persatu,akhirnya gatot semua dah,,ha333
ReplyDeletehmm ada apa kira2,,apa ada mslh dgn rom miui ginggerbread
nanti gw tes ulang bro,
ReplyDeletetunggu aja ya :D
orce gan,,,hampir putus asa nih,,
ReplyDeletekalo boleh tau agan hp nya apa,rom nya apa,stock rom offic apa custom rom..wkwkwk
maaf gan kalo post ane menuh2 hin blog agan ini..he3
q make custom rom gb miui v5.2,dan kernel jason dan v6 super charger dan dua super user.
q punya dua super user,[satu dari bawaan miui,satunya lagi super user dari update dari busybox] hmm..mungkinkah letak masalahnya disini [miui dgn dua super user]
Dulu di tes Xray stock GB ama Sensa Stock GB jalan bro
ReplyDeletesekarang kebetulan juga lagi make Miui, mau dites dulu :D
tested, ternyata ada sedikit problem
ReplyDeletetapi udah fixed, coba download ulang apk nya :D
udah di donlod gan lalu q install ulang,tp tetep blm bisa..
ReplyDeletemungkin apk nya g cocok sama arc s,dulu q juga pernah nyoba game,lalu q install apk nya g bisa,lalu q cari lagi apk yg lain baru bisa..
btw sudah q coba,,game yg gatot
udah sesuai petunjuk semua tp g bisa ketiga tiga nya
bakstab ama 9mm pernah di coba di arc s, udah di tes juga ama kaskuser, lancar :D
ReplyDeletegangstar ini besok tak coba di arc
apa mungkin faktor rom?
btw, dia minta download file lagi loh 5 mb :D
S U K S E S _______________ A K H I R N Y A
ReplyDeletedgn cara ganti builprop
thx ye gan
device nya apa nih bro :D
ReplyDeletedevie nya arc s gan
nice bro :D
ReplyDeleteharus pke TB ya nginstalnya ??
ReplyDeletegak harus kok :D
ReplyDeletediatas2 udah ada yang berhasil tanpa tb
Klo Xperia Ray nginstalnya pke TB ga ??
ReplyDeleteOh iya ini kira2 datanya berapa pas di ekstrak takut ga muat
Thank be4
1 gb lebih bro
ReplyDeletexperia ray gak perlu tb
udah dites secara langsung di xperia ray
Gan tu ekstrak data yg adreno gimana ??
ReplyDeletecara gabungin data 1 dan 2 nya ??
ini di galaxy s2 tanpa tb" an bisa gk mas bro ?
ReplyDeleteya di intall biasa sperti game" lain kaya amazing spiderman ?
d tggu commentnya thx :)
cuman ada yang dengan TB bro :D
ReplyDeletemungkin bisa di tes tanpa TB ,siapa tau jalan :p
Ohh kalau ad yg hrs mke TB ksh instructionnya donk mas bro
ReplyDeletedi bagian mana aj coz bru nginstall amazing spiderman di sini
thx ya bro .. you're awesome like's your blog :)
kalau yang kaya gini kadang gak perlu tb juga jalan :D
ReplyDeletemakanya gak ada instruksi nya :p
Ohh gtu ya bro udh gw install and sperti biasa working very well :)
ReplyDeleteBut must download additional data along 250mb for my SGS2
Nahh mas bro one more question ,tiap main gam cpt banget hbis batere nya ya ,pling cma 2 jm klw di hp gw
Question =
-apa ada aplikasi yg buat tahan main game gitu ?
-atau minimal aplikasi terbaik buat hemat baterenya
Thank you - v.e.r.y M.U.C.H. :D
@SGS2, diturunin aja clock nya bro alias undervolt :D
ReplyDeletere up apknya dong gan....
ReplyDeleteudah rusak linknya tuhh...
link apk di masih nyala bro :D
ReplyDeletemasa sih... kok ane klik ulang2 kluarnya file not found..
ReplyDeleteuplot ke mf dong gan.. :D
ga bisa bro... apa karna ga pnya akunnya ya....
ReplyDeletemungkin mf lebih baik :D...
uplotin ya gan.. pliss :)
gak usah pakai akun kok bro
ReplyDeletetulisan error nya apa?
kalau apk nya masih ada , ntar tak upload ke mf deh
tulisannya not found gitu gann...
ReplyDeletedisebelahnya ada gambar kartun orng warna putih... =))
Gan ini di sony x8 armv6 OS x8droid gingerbead 2.3.1 kga bisa yah??? ane kapok download game dari gameloft gde2 tw2nya di instal kg jadi.. pkoknya file 200mb keatas dah... ampun...
ReplyDeletetheoritically sih bisa bro :D
ReplyDeleteWorking But,,,,,,,,Game hanged after some time and i have to restart my phn......:(..................
ReplyDeleteseems to be not fully compatible with ics
DeleteOhh....Is there any game look like this...Not gta 3 ...That game work but restart after some times...:(
Deletethere are not so many games like this
Deletei'll post it if i find a good one
gan file APK nya tolong di uploud ulang dong, soalnya pas saya download tulisannya file not found
ReplyDeletethx :)
Deletegan file apknya boleh di upload ulang? file removed itu
ReplyDeleteok soon
ReplyDeletetq yaaa :D
ReplyDeletelink fixed
ReplyDeleteuntung bro komen, kalo gak lupa upload tuh
hahaha makasih gan sekali lagi
ReplyDeletewadoh sekarang
ReplyDeleteOops! An unexpected error (380) has occurred. gan linknya ==
ane req diupload di idws aja bisa gak gan?
ReplyDeletehehehe pengen main ray nih, pake apk yg lain blackscreen mulu
perasaan baru reupload udah keapus aja
ReplyDeletelink fixed
ReplyDeletehahaha working now gan.
ReplyDeletethx ya gan, pelayanan agan yahud cepet banget :beer:
gan gan,,,,, buat TEGRA 2 gak ada ya ???
ReplyDeletecuman gk dipos
thanks gan gamenya, tp sayang pas masuk ada bacaan your device didnt suport blablabla :D
ReplyDeleteGan reupload donk yg data powerVR....... link mate gan upload di 2Share donk......
ReplyDeleteane dl data langsung dari HH kok malah nggak bisa maen yah mental ke home screen molo..... apa harus restore pake TB yah gan.......
HH ane P3100 RooT mode ON
ya, restore gan
ReplyDeleteGan Di Andromax i Work Or lag?
ReplyDeletekalo yang ini download data dari HH bisa ga? hh ane sgs Advance,perlu restore tb atau remove license dari luckypatcher ga?
ReplyDeletegan... kok di ane mlh muncul licensi failed pas setelah instal data 6mb..????
ReplyDeletepatch pakai lp
ReplyDeletedownload data dari luar, nanti remove license
ReplyDeleteCan u pls Give Me a TB File For this game,caz it,s everytime deleting the obb file..Thx..
ReplyDeleteI think you don't need it
ReplyDeleteif it FC and obb gone, try to copy again
No it's everytime asking for net connection..And then say Download 6m.b. ...Or Plz Upload The Muzhiwan Version..Thx.
ReplyDeletegan ane udah download data 6mb yg di minta.. strus ane maen bentar, selah masuk lagi minta lagi data 6mb.. tuh kenapa ya?
ReplyDeleteGan ini buat GalTab 2 work gak..?
ReplyDeletemuhziwan version is not available
ReplyDeleteyou need to download data everytime you want to launch game
tb will not solve that problem
ya, emang gitu gan
ReplyDeleteMuzhiwan Version Released 2 Days Ago.:D...Now Pls Upload it.Thx.
ReplyDeletecan you give me the link?
ReplyDeleteI only found this one and this is old version
ReplyDeleteall right, thanks
ReplyDeletegan ini buat non rooted device bisa kan?
ReplyDeletegan kok minta konek internet sih??? pas dikonekin cek lisensi katanya invalid,disruh beli...ada solusi gak gan?
ReplyDeleteinstall modded gp
ReplyDeletemaksudnya install modded gp apa min?? newbie
ReplyDeletecek di post disamping
ReplyDeleteini mod nya di apk nya apa di datanya bro? ane udah ada apk+data yg 1.1.3 tapi nggak mod.
ReplyDeleteapa bisa ambil apk nya aja buat mod nya?
di apknya, mod unlimited money & respect
ReplyDeletecoba tes aja apknya :)
tolong don upload lagi kaka link nya pada dead
ReplyDeleteEmbedupload part 3
It's wonderful that you are getting thoughts from this piece
ReplyDeleteof writing as well as from our argument made at this place.
Take a look at my web page ... Worms 2 Armageddon Apk
game is too old, gak ada datanya lagi nih
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ReplyDeleteHey can you hack zenonia 5 zen more than 520 ok like 1000 and every thing is unlimited like skill point, attribute point , and gold I will be waiting.ok