Venture forth into the most immersive, accomplished, and addictive chapter of the acclaimed action RPG saga!
⚡ Hack your way through an EPIC STORYLINE & a dark fantasy adventure
⚡ SLASH hundreds of enemies and massive bosses
⚡ LOOT countless items
⚡ Choose from 4 types of warriors with unique combat styles
⚡ UPGRADE your battle skills
⚡ CUSTOMIZE, craft and charm your gear
⚡ Throughout the game, unveil the mysteries surrounding your warriors
⚡ Fight along your friends in the CO-OP arenas
⚡ Show off your battle skills in the action-packed PVP mode
⚡ Gather up and fight other warriors in TEAM DEATHMATCH games
The Demons, a race thought to have been extinguished eons ago, have returned. You awaken from what seemed like a nightmare to find your kingdom, Valenthia, decimated. Unharmed from the battle, you are mysteriously gifted with tremendous new power and skills. You could be your people’s only remaining hope…
Embark on an epic adventure and get ready to fight your way through intense solo and multiplayer levels in this new free installment of the iconic dungeon crawler game.
This free fantasy game is best suited for fans of: hack 'n slash, action RPGs, dark fantasy games, multiplayer and free adventure games.
If you are one of them, get the game now for free!
gan, datanya besarnya berapa ?
ReplyDeletecopy kemana gan?copy ke android/obb kan....dia suruh buy dl
ReplyDeleteinstall moded gplay
ReplyDeleteatau download langsung dari gplay
Gan ane coba yg mod kok harus nyalain inet dulu ? sama gak work ya gemnya ?
ReplyDeleteakhirnya bs gan thanks ya....itu kita pertama2 instal apk dl...abis itu baru copy file ke obb....gemnya emang cmn 100 gold jg 0 tapi itu smua unlimited...hehehe thanks
ReplyDeleteane dah nyobain versi knp tiap kali mo launch harus nyalai internet yah gan,? sama mod gem nya g work
ReplyDeleteom sy install yg apk mod, tp koq muncul tulisan invalid lisence??????
ReplyDeletepake lucky pactcher gan,
ReplyDeleteyang masih belum bisa baca komen2 dibawah
ReplyDeleteg bisa om, pas di patch muncul tulisan yg kurang lebih artinya udh di patch.
ReplyDeletetp bedanya klw yg skrg ini, g muncul tulisan license cuma tampi logo gameloft trus gambar kyk macem rumah di padang pasir trus muncul lg logo gameloft, hbs itu force close, data udh ditaro di obb
ane ngurang dah klo di pake tuh gemnya...
ReplyDeletekok minta download data lagi y?
ReplyDeleteapk & data pakai yang mana?
ReplyDeleteapke moded data part1-4
ReplyDeletecoba pakai moded apk dan link embeduplad yg satuan
ReplyDeleteAne koq ga bisa main game ini ya ? Stuck di logo Gameloft nya terus. Devices: S4
ReplyDeleteKoq gw berkurang yah gemny...
ReplyDeletewaktu awal2 emang g mas lama2 di pake ngurang sendiri
ReplyDeleteinstall modded gplay dari cheplus
ReplyDeletekok mod nya ga bisa.......gem berkurang terus,.........duid tetep g bisa
ReplyDeletekenapa ya
gan yang v1.2.0 koq force close sendiri
ReplyDeleteoffline ?
ReplyDeletegan ini sebenernya bisa ga sih yang versi 1,2,0 .. gw DL part 3 trus gw taruh di folder.. urutannya malah jd part 3,1,2 biasanya kan urut 1,2,3 ini lg DL part 4, emang gpp ya? thanks
ReplyDeletegak apa2 kok urutannya kebalik
ReplyDeleteknp file part nya bkan 7z/Winrar ?? jadi ga bisa di extract gan -_- partnya berbentuk "File" kalo bisa tolong step by step, thanks
ReplyDeletepakai 7z bisa
ReplyDeleteklik ke part 001, ekstrak aja langsung
wah susah nih, harusnya gw SS tp..
ReplyDeleteada ID kaskus kan, gw pernah liat kayanya , mohon pencerahanya
susu.plastik id gw , wisp ye TT
- Gw klik kanan ga ada tulisan Extract
-pake 7z gmn? Part bkan bntuk 7z melainkan masih "Part File".(orang kaskus ngmng nya 00x)
Apakah udah ada yang bisa menjalankan game DG 4 versi 1.2.0 ?
ReplyDeletegw extract di game Aspahlt 8 bisa, trus gw Extract di game DH4 dengan cara yang sama kenapa ga bisa ye -_-
barang kali TS salah ye?
ReplyDeletesorot ke file 001, klik kanan, 7z, extract here
atau pakai hjsplit
that's all
ReplyDeleteLiat tuh SS, gw dah gabung Hjsplit trus extract jdnya balik ke "File Part" -_-
mungkin ada yang salah di prosesnya
ReplyDeletesejauh ini belum pernah ada komplain soal ekstrak file DH4 ini
Sudah di tes di via VPS, bisa di merge kok
ReplyDeletehasilnya jadi file 7z
Update gan
, ternyata ada 2 File Beda nama di akhiran (_z)

ReplyDeleteakhirnya jd juga gan
oo iya bro ada 3 File jadinya waktu extract nih bawah gw
yang 2 file di hapus? atau tinggal timpuk File APK doank?
thanks buat momod yang sejauh ini dah bantuin
3 file itu, kopi ke folder android/obb
ReplyDeletelalu install apknya
thanks Codearm2
ReplyDeleteBantuannya donk.
ReplyDelete"Unforunately,Has Stoped"
gw mau masok keluar itu mulu gan :(
kalo invalid license harus digimanain tu
ReplyDeleteBantuannya donk.
ReplyDelete"Unforunately,Has Stoped"
gw mau masok keluar itu mulu gan :(
-klo license tuh DL ga sih? gw kluar pilih donwload Wifi/Carier Network. itu sama aja DL full game / License ye?
Bantuannya donk..
ReplyDelete"Unforunately,Has Stoped"
gw mau masok keluar itu mulu gan :(
-klo license tuh DL ga sih? gw kluar pilih donwload Wifi/Carier Network. itu sama aja DL full game / License ye?
kalo suruh buy gmn? harus download ulang dari google play? gede 1 gb T_T
ReplyDeleteinstall moded gplay
ReplyDeleteinstall moded gplay
ReplyDeleteinstall moded gplay dan pastikan koneksi nyala
ReplyDeletemaksudnya gmn tuh om?