The #1 Action FPS game is back on smartphone with a new chapter to push the boundaries of mobile gaming even further. In the wake of nuclear warfare, the only chance to avoid global devastation is in the hands of the few elite soldiers who must track down and rescue the world’s leaders from a frighteningly familiar terrorist group.
APK v1.1.0:
Ultrahigh Graphic Mod
High Graphic Mod
Medium Graphic Mod
Low Graphic Mod
Working multiplayer Mod
Non-root offline
APK v1.1.5:
Embedupload Ultra Graphic + Money Mod
Embedupload part 1
Embedupload part 2
Embedupload part 3
Embedupload part 4
Embedupload part 5
Embedupload part 6
Embedupload part 7
Embedupload part 8
Embedupload part 9
Embedupload part 10
Embedupload part 11
Instructions :
- Choose & Install APK
- Copy '' folder to 'sdcard/Android/obb/'
- Launch the Game
- OBB works for both v 1.1.0 and 1.1.5
ok, new method working well on my xperia s
ReplyDeletenicely done!
yang part 6 di zippyshare tolong uploadin lagi dong,...kurang part itu doang eh file nya uda diapus,,masak mau donlot ulang lagi...thx before
ReplyDeletereq contract killer zombies donk gan. Thank's
ReplyDeletetetep g bisa neh di xperia ion min :(
ReplyDeleteWhere is my post?..Ok Anyway will u pls tell me will this work on my hTc One V?..And can u pls give a single down link.:D...Thx.
ReplyDeletesingle direct link added rakesh, and this will work on one v
ReplyDeletetulisannya apa
ReplyDelete:D..Thx bro...U r the best,..Bravo...:D..Thx Again.
ReplyDeleteAne pake yg obb mental pas abis new game > tap anywhere langsung mental..
ReplyDeleteikutin yg diatas obbnya extract juga gabisa om.. minta online/license masalah.. ada clue lain kah?
langkah nya cuman di extract terus kopi ke android/data/
ReplyDeleteudah dites, lancar, coba nyalain inet dulu
file APK tidak diketemukan..
ReplyDeletedi galaxy w bisa ga ?
ReplyDeletekok di ane gak bisa ya gan ? baru kebuka closed mulu.
ReplyDeleteAne pake Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000
Installed the game and extracted the data as instructions...Then m try to run the game...It,s saying (Cancel Retry).Then i truned on my wifi then it,s saying (Buy Game Or Cancel)..Then i try to download ur tb....But the link for tb is not working..Tell Me What Shoul I do now?
ReplyDeleteTried everything....Obb,Data,Gameloft....Everytime after the loading menu when it,s says to touch the scr to start the game...Then Game close..And back to the main scr..Help me...Very Bad Luck....:(
ReplyDeletemy friend got same phone and he can nake it work
ReplyDeleteonly extract and it works
have u tried to restore data?
Game closed mulu nih :(
Yes tried everthing...U provide apk after applying tb it,s again asked for net connection...Sometimes games open.......ANd then eveything goes fine...Then I select mission 1 normal-hard..Then game has start loading...Then it's say Touch the scr to play...Then after the touch game close......Very Very Bad Luck.:(....There is Total 64 files Size 1.87 g.b...Can u ask ur frnd about the process...Ok..Thx..Buddy.:)
ReplyDeletecara install nya gimana?
ReplyDeletetaruh di folder apa obb nya
apa tetep pakai tb?
gan file 6 dan 7 gada
ReplyDeleteGAN...APKX UDAH DI DI delete tuh..
ReplyDeleteane coba main...tapi ketrnganx buy game gan..????
can u tell to u instal the game on u device???
ReplyDeleteLANCArr jaya gan di note ane...Mantappp
ReplyDeletereupload dong gan ,,,, klo bsa link lokal gan thanks
ReplyDeleteWhy not...1st Install the apk (chatu version or this).....Then copy the data as intructions...U can paste the data in 3 way...1 is Android\Data\com..........2 is Android\obb\com......And the 3rd way is Gameloft\Games\GloftM4HM....Then Open Chainfire Go to default gpu setting and tick map bupperr..Something like that...Then fix market settings And Simply restart ur device....Then Done Have Fun!....Play And Enjoy..
ReplyDeleteso it works now on ur device rakesh?
ReplyDeleteglad to hear it
Yeah Bro..ChainFire 3D makes it workable ...And no lag.:D....
ReplyDeletewhat is your devices?
ReplyDeleteHey, can you explain how to install ChainFire3d ? because i install it and endless bootloop :(
ReplyDeletemy Device same like you
ReplyDeleteakhirnya work juga, ternyata ada file TB nya..di how to install gak tercantum sih..
ReplyDeletegamenya sih lancar, tp gyroscope nya ngaco..harus manual aim. nunggu versi selanjutnya
(galaxy tab p6200)
maaf gan totur-nya lebih jelas lagi dong. cara install-nya gimana? kan udah di download part 1-7 trs filenya digabungin pake 7zip, trs ekstrak sdcard ke gameloft/games. trs install apk. kaya gitu gk?
ReplyDeletepleasssssseeeeeee gaaaaaan reupload dong ane pengen banget :malus
ReplyDeleteyg filegir bukannya maish jalan?
ReplyDeletepakai link yg full
ReplyDeleteapk masih ada di embed yg zippy
ReplyDeletecoba aja satu per satu
ReplyDeletegyroscope nya bisa gan? di tempat ane kok ngaco yah gyroscopenya..
ReplyDeleteHTC one v..ANd I have already finishded that Game.:D total 12 mission..
ReplyDeleteMake sure u have rooted ur device...The try to install the cf...And restart ur device,if ur device not starting automatically then manually start it...The if u can see the icon of cf..Then Reinstall it...DOne....Then..Follow mine previous instruction..
ReplyDeleteya, ada yg udah pernah komen kalau gyronya error
ReplyDeletetunggu aja versi resmi
How to starting my device manually ?
ReplyDeleteBos, bisa minta mirrorin file TB nya gak?
ReplyDeletegan punya ane kok begitu loading langsung close tiba2 ya?
ReplyDeletecoba pakai cf
ReplyDeletesip gan makasih udah reupload. Thumbs !
ReplyDeleteInvalid License gan
ReplyDeleteHarus download datanya lagi yah gan?
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya situ udah nyobain belum mas? Saya download yg v1.0.1 ini malah FC. ini lebih parah daripada yg sebelumnya, yg sebelumnya bisa masuk sampe loading bentar, terus FC juga akhirnya.
ReplyDeletecoba baca di atas, ada tulisan not tested
ReplyDeleteberarti belun saya coba
bisa ga sih
ReplyDeletejadi ragu
keren abis ni games. lancar jaya di Xperia Arc S, gak pake CF
ReplyDeleteGak bisa gan, percuma donwload
ReplyDeleteplease upload on indowebs gan, ane mohon bgt..........
ReplyDeletebtul tuh di indowebster gan.............
ReplyDeletebisa, coba pakai tutorial baru
ReplyDeletev1.0.1 works here on my s3
ReplyDeletecool bro
it still loop on start screen, any solution?
ReplyDeletemy bad, it works

ReplyDeleteonly need to extract to android/data
thanks admin
lancar bosssss di nexus 7
ReplyDeletecuman ngopinya ke folder gamlop
No gturbobit links? Why again idws?
ReplyDeleteuse link, it's as good as gturbobit
ReplyDeleteSome ina users request it, so i provide it is down....Ok when u find a link for resumable download provide it.
ReplyDeleteI think in latest data they only edited data_2 < this file..
ReplyDeletegturbo link added
ReplyDeletemasbro. ane dl yg idws 2 part. tak join pake HJsplit. kok malah error ya. corupt. T.T
ReplyDeleteudah ane tes ulang 2x
ReplyDeletegak ada masalah
Sama saya juga ngalamin hal yg sama
ReplyDeleteyg dari idws udah ane download 2 x ane join pake hjsplit udah trus ane ekstrak paek 7z damage archive .. ane udah download 2x = 2 giga gan ...
ReplyDeleteya sekarang dl lagi lewat gturbit. keren speednya kaya lokal masbro... ^^ (mumpung gratis)
ReplyDeleteKlo d test archive yg part 1 ok. Yg part 2 eror klo ane. Mau download tp terbatas quota
ReplyDeleteapa gara2 error di idwsnya ya
ReplyDeletenanti ane tes ulang deh
donlot di idws filenya corupt gan :(
ReplyDeletecape2 download di idws ternyata corup cape deh
ReplyDeletegan up lagi yg part 2 donk dah nanggung download yg di idws yg corup kyanya part2
ReplyDeleteudah jadi rar eh katanya damaged unknown format hehehe nasib nasib reupload dong om bro hehehehe
ReplyDeletefile nya gak masalah, tapi begitu upload ke idws ya begitu
ReplyDeletesering korup apalagi masuk server penuh dosa
waduh, link 1.0.0 nya kenapa dihapus, padahal justru itu yg work di tempat ane.
ReplyDeleteyg 1.0.1 ini malah ngeloop di verification mulu T-T
padahal udah ikutin petunjukya sama persis..
Sama nih. Begitu klr tulisan data sdh d download silahkan tekan OK. Langsung verification n balik d suruh load data. Gt trs
ReplyDeletelagi down
ReplyDeletetungguin aja
saya download datanya yg di IDWS tpi knp pas pke udah pke hjsplit ga bisa di buka "file damaged" itu knp y om? sy dah susah - susah donlod -_-
ReplyDeleteDown apanya min?klo download datanya kan ud cm looping gameloftbya down gt?
ReplyDeletemaksudnya gimana?
ReplyDeleteharus di ok2 terus gitu atau tunggu ntar dicoba lagi gan?
salah replay
ReplyDeleteharusnya buat ke yg mau dowbload dari gturbo tadi
coba extract ke tempat lain
ada 3 alternative
jgn lupa nyalain inet juga
ReplyDeletedatanya pas masuk ke idws rusaj
Sory min tp sy ud coba masukin k obb tanpa ekstrak, trs ekstrak lalu masukin k android/data sama terakhir ekstrak masukin k gameloft/game sama aj. Verifi bar nya ngak smp penuh malah klr dibilang ud ok datanya press ok trs check license tp sama aj semuanya looping trs
ReplyDeletegan, itu agan pake titanium backup juga gak?
ReplyDeletegyroscope normal gak?
saya coba download yang v1.0.0 bsa di buka tapi kok ngelag banget ya gan ada solusinya
ReplyDeletesaya pake tablet CYRUS ATOMPAD LITE
Ngak pk TB scr hp blm di root. Gyronya ane ngak pake. Cm pas awal2 main kyanya gryonya malah k balik. Klo miring ke kiri dy malah k kanan pokoknya kebalikannya
ReplyDeleteane pake apk chatu bisa masuk sampe menu, tp begitu masuk movie nya level satu dia langsung fc..
ReplyDeletesial banget, mana versi 1.0.0 yg work di ane kehapus otomatis pas verifikasi yg versi 1.0.1.. T-T
Ane malah ga ad movie langsung yg drone pada terbang. Kali2 FC krn RAM ga cukup mungkin
ReplyDeletedatanya mana??
ReplyDeleteBwt yag ngeloop, coba apus file nomedia di foldernya. Ane berhasil pake cara itu.
ReplyDeletebukan karena ram gan, soalnya yg versi 1.0.0 work, movie jg jalan..cuman gyroscope ngaco..
ReplyDeletenunggu versi all device aja deh, thanks adminnya yg udah uploadin
Ngeloop euy .. gimana caranya ya. Pke 3 petunjuk di atas ga bisa. Bolak balik ngecek dilw tweus.. :(
ReplyDeletemy phone xperia u, is it work well??
ReplyDeletegan, kok ane mental mulu ya ke home?
ReplyDeleteAne udah donlod APK+DATA+TB VERSI 1.0.1 diatas ..
ReplyDelete1. Ane install APK nya
2. Ane copy DATA nya ke Android/obb
3. Ane restore APP+DATA untuk TB nya
4. Ane jalanin MC4 nya dengan WIFI nyala (untuk verifikasi lincese)
Tapi saat verifikasi sukses lalu ane klik OK, MC4 nya malah kerestart lagi..
Langsung balik lagi ke tulisan www.blablabla GAMELOFT, terus verifikasi lagi..
Dan itu terjadi berkali kali dan intinya ga bisa dimaenin..
Ada solusi ?
coba jangan direstore
ReplyDeletecoba pake cara ane gan, hapus file .nomedia .
ReplyDeletesama gan FC terus terusan
ReplyDeletesama ane jg dah nyoba semua solusi teteupp aja ga bs..mgkin ada hubungannya ama gpu ato os gan..ane pke galnex os 4.2.1
ReplyDeleteGini cuy, buat yang FC sebelum sempat main gamenya, coba pake Chainfire versi terbaru. Trus pake settingan "Per-app Open GL Settings" coba aja satu persatu.

ReplyDeleteDalam kasus gue (Samsung GT p6200), gue pake settingan:
Reduce texture Quality
Disable MapBuffer emu
Use Plugin (none)
Hide CF3D ID
Movie Clipnya memang jadi nggak jalan gan, cuma nggak masalah. in game 3D clip masih jalan dan gamenya berjalan sangat-amat smooth
Btw: Gue pake apk dan SD data punyanya Chathu, selamat mencoba
gan itu gyroscope nya normal di tab 7+?
ReplyDeletebang codearm
ReplyDeletesgs2 ics bisa ga?
ReplyDeleteMks gan alhmlh berhasil caranya conect inet dulu trus jalanin apk nya jgn di copy dulu datanya ke android/data belakangan aja baru low dah verification copy datanya ke android/data! sya tampa seting sana sini chainfire pun di non aktifkan saya pke HH andrmax-i hp low and
ReplyDeleteLink Data mana ya gan?
ReplyDeletePlis reupload lokal dong. :(
datanya download dmn nih? linknya kok cuman apk sama tb doang
ReplyDeleteAne udah bisa gan pake apk dr apkmania datanya masukin sdcard/gameloft
ReplyDeletemas boy ane udah download versi 1.00 via apk mania . terus ane copy ke android /obb tp ko g bs ng'root
ReplyDeleteya? mohon bantuane...
ReplyDeletePke tb ga ya dzaky ?
ReplyDeletegk perlu tb gan
ReplyDeleteHpnya apa agan dzaky
ReplyDeleteini data nya hasil ekstrak atau OBB nya doang ?
ReplyDeletegan dah diikutin ptunjuknya tapi kok ga bisa ya, tiap habis tap ok to play gamenya ko restar trus ya ke gameloft screen trus, mohon dibantu...
ReplyDeletebuah resolusi 320X480 work gk..?
ReplyDeletekaga bro
ReplyDeletecoba restore tb nya gan
ReplyDeletegan dah paeke tb copas aja kan? ane dah restore app + data tetep ja kayak gtu restrar sndiri, btw ane pake gtab2.10, kondisi root, os JB. ada solusi ga? trims
ReplyDeleteos nya custom?
ReplyDeletekemungkinan karena itu
Gan, lain kali kalo mau ngepost , test dulu game HD nya baru post jangan maen post aja no tested kasihan yang ngedownload capek2 nunggu dah gitu ga bisa sama skali buat main. Buang2 waktu n paket internet aja . sama aja ngerugiin pengunjung yang ngebaca post terus download game dari post disini gan . payah (n)
ReplyDeleteMin gw dah ikutin instruksinya, kenapa ga bisa2 ?
ReplyDelete1. semua game udah dites

ReplyDelete2. gak semua game bisa jalan di semua device. Fragmentasi.
3. rugi? anda beli?
errornya apa
ReplyDeleteGini gan, error nya pas aku masukin data nya kan android/obb. nah pas mau main cuma loading muter2 doang tuh gan , abis tu langsung mental ke home screen . itu kenapa gan ? apa karena hh ane ics ?
ReplyDeletesama saya juga gan restart trus game nya setelah verifikasi file
ReplyDeleteapk udah diganti, silakan dicoba
ReplyDeleteudah install apk baru, masuk checking license lewat muncul gambar scren gamenya jalan bentar langsung exit program.
ReplyDeleteSamsung Galaxy Nexus
Game MC4 Yg pada FC solusi ganti Rom di jamin halal
ReplyDeletethanks min,, ane rate 5 y gan :rate5
ReplyDeletecendol nyusul (belom iso ane wkwkwkwk)
iya dr pada beli gak bisa
ReplyDeletegan kok ga work di sgs2 ane ? pas mission 1 loading, "please touch the screen", mental keluar lgi...
ReplyDeleteada solusi?
gan kok ga work di sgs2 ane ? pas mission 1 loading, "please touch the screen",pressed, mental keluar lgi...
ReplyDeleteada solusi?
ReplyDeletehelp gan hh ane sgs2 custom rom resurrection remix 2.6.1 rooted
ReplyDeletemksdnya swap? cmn dual boot aj. pas disuruh touch the screen, lgnsng item, trus mntal kluar wkwk.
ReplyDeletepdahal mc 3 bsa..
ReplyDeleteGa hargain orang lu
ReplyDeletedamn its says loading and grey-blakc screen and again its a loop
ReplyDeletecan u tell me what u EXACTLY did? i jsut coped patch and main to android/obb/gameloft.balbalblam4
ReplyDeletei just did it precisely like stated on the tut in my post
ReplyDeleteWill zou make it also for the next update? is it much work? Pls tell me!
ReplyDeletei dont understand what u mean
ReplyDeletecare to explain?
You missed it that the heads fall down in high graphics! No Gore flew! Patch it now please!
ReplyDeleteI mean,if comes a next update... will you mod it this also? Or is it only one time mod?
ReplyDeleteif the mod is avaialable and possible, sure
ReplyDeleteYes wait.... When the next update of MC4 comes ... will you mod it also so god as now!?
ReplyDeleteThere are already some mods which are
ReplyDeleteUltrahigh Graphic Mod
High Graphic Mod
Medium Graphic Mod
Low Graphic Mod
Working multiplayer Mod
Non-root offline
also, last part of your sentence, i dont get it
ReplyDeleteYou missed it that the heads fall down in high graphics! No Gore flew! Patch it now please! In modded Game Modern Combat 4! Please mod it that i can see the blood of the enemies and that the heads fly away!!!!! Please patch it
nope, it's not possible
ReplyDeletehave u tried other mods? or is this only happen to high graphic mod?
I think Ultra High Mod is not possible on Nexus 7 !!! And please let's the heads fall for the high Graphic mod , please patch it!!!!! It would be nice if you can make this! then it's perfect!
ReplyDeleteCan you make this mod for the next update too
ReplyDeletethis mod is so nice pls make it then for the next versoin
Ultra High Mod is not possible on Nexus 7 !!! And please let's the heads fall for the high Graphic mod , please patch it!!!!! It would be nice if you can make this! then it's perfect!
ReplyDeletekasian amat hape china kali yg lu pake... gw lancar jaya yg make ultrahigh btw hape gw bukan hape china hape gw galaxy nexus hahahaha
ReplyDeletestupid people... you just have much graphic mod, that enough for you this much better than the default apk, dumb ass mother fucker
ReplyDeleteBro yg ultra high ada masalah sama sound effectnya.. Kadang redup kadang engga please fix it ya udah ngebet banget maen multi player sih gw bro jd gak iri lagi sama mc4 iOS hehehe
ReplyDeleteKalo bisa kasih cara cara nge mod nya.. Suaranya doank yg masalah graphics nya keren gilaaaaaa
coba install yg biasa tanpa mod
ReplyDeletelalu edit build.prop ke device yg paling high end
ReplyDeleteYes you' have got a point ! But it would be nicer if you can fall the heads in mc4 ! Then it's an iPad Graphic! But can you make it? Please
ReplyDeletegan ane kan dah install yang apk offline, pas mau masuk ke misi pertama mental ke menu home screen, itu gimana ya gan caranya biar bisa maen ? tolong pencerahannya gan
ReplyDeletecoba install apk yang lain, masih ada apa tidak masalahnya
ReplyDeletegan ane udh coba instal untk GPU Mali, pertama main sih bisa gan, tpi pas mw main lagi stlah intro gameloftnya malah hitam blank gitu layarnya.... gmana yah ??
lanjutan : dsini APK yg diinstal merupakan APK yg offline gan thanks yah
ReplyDeletecoba install apk yg graphic mod
ReplyDeleteAre u srs "working multiplayer app" multiplayer dont even work on it.... Ffs
ReplyDeleteis this the latest version of modern combat? is this mc4 meltdown? i already have obb files, ive already downloaded it b4 from other site, and its too lag, can i install the game using apk files here? I will try low graphics and medium graphics mod, will that apk work using obb from other sites? Are modded apk files requires root? Sorry for asking too many questions. ^^. tnx i hope you can help me guys ^_^V
ReplyDeletetnx now its running smoothly on my tablet .. YAAHOOOOO!!! tnx ^^
ReplyDeleteNow, nothing works anymore.... gameloft patched it!
ReplyDeletegan di XM bisa ga ya?
ReplyDeleteSolusinya donk.
ReplyDelete"Unforunately,Has Stoped"
gw mau masok keluar itu mulu gan :(
Bantuannya donk.
ReplyDelete"Unforunately,Has Stoped"
gw mau masok keluar itu mulu gan :(
-klo license tuh DL ga sih? gw kluar pilih donwload Wifi/Carier Network. itu sama aja DL full game / License ye??
Bantuannya donk
ReplyDelete"Unforunately,Has Stoped"
gw mau masok keluar itu mulu gan :(
-klo license tuh DL ga sih? gw kluar pilih donwload Wifi/Carier Network. itu sama aja DL full game / License ye?
Working great gan!!!! Ane ngambil mod yg ultra high graphic,lancar jaya di galaxy mega 6.3 ane.ane pake obb dr situs lain sm2 versi 1.1.0.mantapppp!!!
ReplyDeleteGan mau nanya, udah insta MC4l terus pas misi pertama setelah mau masuk kemobil malah mental ke home screen itu kenapa ya? #bingung hehe
ReplyDeleteSejauh ini baru satu laporan crash setelah masuk mobil, mungkin pengaruh device
ReplyDeleteGan kalo Di galaxy Fame FC gk pake apk low end ?
ReplyDeleteada yang buat mod money nya ngak
ReplyDeleteAnother apk with Mod graphics, please
ReplyDeletethere is no other mods so far
ReplyDeleteOk thanks you
ReplyDeleteAnyway we can get a lowest graphics mod for the newest update of mc4 version 1.1.5 please. Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteplease upload lowest graphics for mc4 1.1.5 version :( ty.
ReplyDeleteok, soon
ReplyDeletejust found out that there is no graphic mod for v1.1.5, so I'll just upload normal version of 1.1.5
ReplyDeleteAny News? Pls we need low graphics :/
ReplyDeleteTry this
No I Mean ultra high graphics. The apk you linked us to isn't a graphics mod, just money
ReplyDeleteIs the apk File for 1.1.5 now with max graphics or is the link just named like this?
ReplyDeleteIt's Ultra
ReplyDeleteI downloaded it and for me its normal graphics. The 1.1.0 apk really has ultra but 1.1.5 not. Bzw im using a nexus 7 2013