In the distant future, in the darkest regions of space, the ghosts of the past silently whisper your name. You are the commander, hero who lead nations to their salvation. The Humans, Demons and Noahs found itself on the brink of extinction and forcing all units to final strike for redemption. Some believe you may have given up the fight. But you have promises to keep and conquer the world of genesis for the rest of all times. You will never be forgotten
ini masi minta data yah,, T_T
ReplyDeleteuda dapet dri forum tetangga
ReplyDeletewah, lupa nambahin
ReplyDeletepls can you tell us the steps then ,, will it work on my galaxy s3
ReplyDeleteit say Failed Because you may not have purchased this app
ReplyDeletecara install na gmn gan? pencerahan donkk langkah2 na
ReplyDeleteyou must install titaniumbackup and rooted
ReplyDeletecopy data and install apk
copy tb to titaniumbackup
open titaniumbackup and restore data
First Thanks For Reply ..
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me where shall i put The Data folder and also what name shall i rename the Folder >>> thanks much
copy the data to sdcard/genesis
ReplyDeletelink na diblok sama mediafire gan :(
ReplyDeletecoba cek inetnya, ini masih lancar kok
ReplyDeletedah di blok gan code arm.............. :(
ReplyDeletekok disini masih bisa kedownload ya?
ReplyDeletegimana cara instal nya neh, dah di copy2 dan instal apk ttp gk mau neh
ReplyDeletefoldernya di sdcard loh
ReplyDeletepstikan benar
udah kok, data dimasukin ke sdcard/data/genesis
ReplyDeletesetiap klik icon nya langsung back to main menu, itu titanium backup restore data dl kan ?
ReplyDeletebukan sdcard/data/genesis
udah dicoba bro, ttp aja gk mo maen, back to main menu lg...
ReplyDeletesama uda ikutin petunjuk
ReplyDeletebegitu selesai restore titanium backup buka app langsung keluar lagi
gan, bedanya apk yg ente upload ma yg di playstore apa gan?
ReplyDeleteklo ane ud donlod lwt play store trus restore pake TB apa ke lebiannya?
sama aja bro
ReplyDeletedikit dikit masuk mulu. parah nyari duitnya.
ReplyDeletesir can you add bluetooth map please