Discover 42 cars and bikes from Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Ducati and other world-class manufacturers. Collect them in your own 3D garage.
Download link
change red colored text to your device id and model, you can find it from your build.prop or google it.
example :
For Xperia Neo / other devices with similar GPU (Adreno)
For Galaxy S2 / other devices with similar GPU (Mali)
For Galaxy Tab7+
For HTC Sensation
For Xperia Play (Optimized)
How to install?
1. Install APK or use this TB(without verification)
2. Use Glzip to extract .AMZ
3. Copy the extracted files to sdcard/android/data/
4. Launch with wifi
if you got buggy / white texture on the road/car on SGS2/SGS3
copy this file to \Android\data\\ files\data\DeviceConfig\DeviceConfig.xml
Better graphic for Tegra 3 devices
copy this file or this file to \Android\data\\ files\data\DeviceConfig\DeviceConfig.xml
Better graphic for all devices
copy this file to \Android\data\\ files\data\DeviceConfig\DeviceConfig.xml
How to fix "a problem occured and the download could not be compleated successfully."
1.If you have installed the game on the phone erase all data of the game(Settings->Applications->Downloaded->Asphalt 7->Clear data)
2.Uninstall the game(check the folder, if there are any files left-DELETE them)
3.Be sure you have downloaded right apk
4.Be sure that you have downloaded the SD FILES(in .amz format)
5.After download is finished, unpack it with GlZip 2.1(.amz file and GlZip should be in one folder on your computer - to be sure about unpacking process)
6.You have folder with the same name as the .amz file. There are inside two other folders(files&sdfiles)-DELETE the first one(you don't need it) and rename second to 'files'.
7.Copy the 'files' into your phone, follow this path: Android->data-> need to create such folder first:) - it takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
8.You can now install the apk
9.Run it.
*If after splash screen with the forum name etc. the screen is still black press HOME menu button and click the icon once again. Enjoy!
pertamax unduh dulu
ReplyDeleteKlo xperia ray??? Diganti jadi apa??
ReplyDeletepakai aja yang punya neo, sama kok
ReplyDeleteini harus online mainnya,,?
ReplyDeleteklo galaW sama kaya neo bro?
seharusnya sama
ReplyDeletecuman biar aman ganti ke product ama model galaw aja
begini ya bro...?
kog gak bisa di DL yah bro?
ada yang kurang tuh :D
ReplyDeletekok ane download yg mali
ReplyDeletemalah kedownload yg lg su660
Ini main offline bisa kan ?
ReplyDeletebuat samsung s3 belon ada ya gan?
ReplyDeletekurang yang mana bro?
ReplyDeletehelp dong.. build.prop galaw nya...
ketinggalan 1 baris ternyata hehe...
ReplyDeletecoba donlot....
@yg kedownload mali, kemungkinan datanya sama
ReplyDelete@yg nanya offline, ya
@sgs3, coba masukin aja device idnya
min samsung s3 udah ke donlot via ingame,troublenya grafik jalananya putih semua min,
ReplyDeletesemua yang make sgs3, one x juga sama trouble nya
mesti tunggu ampe release officialnya keluar
btw, apknya yang di link mediafire jalan kan?
liat dimana gan kl buat sgs3?
ReplyDeletebingung ane, model = I9300 device = samsung kan?
Ane coba ralat gan :) . Buat (NEO) :
Gan kayanya gini ? ane cobain yg link diatas malah kedownload .php :)
apk di mediafire work min,btw thanks min
ReplyDeleteMin kalo xperia s, pake yang neo juga?
ReplyDelete@anonymous buat yang neo jalan kok, kedownload nya file buat LG, sama aja :D
ReplyDelete@octa, nope, gpu nya beda, masukin aja id neo :D
@david, thanks david :D
@ano sgs3, coba cek di buildprop nya :D
gan klo arc s pake neo juga ya ??
ReplyDeleteBoss kl buat tegra 2 gimana ane pake Motorola xoom 800x1280 pale linknya yg mana
ReplyDeleteIs this game better than real racing 2?
ReplyDeletetegra2nya dong gan....hh ane kicut w700 :D
ReplyDelete@ano, no real racing is better
ReplyDelete@ano2, coba aja masukin id device nya :D
ini tutorialnya mohon di perjelas lagi.
ReplyDeletebtw ane udah ikutin, ko disuruh donlod lg 800mban pas selesai verification?
device ane xperia s
yang didownload file nya sesuai buat devicenya?
ReplyDeletehabis di download tinggal di ekstrak pakai glzip, kopi filenya sesuai petunjuk diatas :)
udah, semua sesuai tapi mesti donlod 800mb lagi
ReplyDeletecek total size datanya
ReplyDelete300an mb bukan?
kalau segitu emang perlu downlaod ingame lagi
walaupun kaga 300mb, ada beberapa user yang ngasi testimoni di forum sebelah kalo perlu download data tambahan bervariasi antara 30mb sampe 0.98 GB
total sizenya 986mb gan.
ReplyDeletekan setelah di ekstrk pake GLzip, kan ada 2 folder, files n sdfiles nah yg folder sdfiles ane rubah namanya ke files,trs di copy ke sdcard/android/data/, bnr kan tuh?
ane extrack make GLzip error trus gan..make versi 1.06 ama 1.07 juga sama...gimana tuh..?
ReplyDeletekog saya masukin link ini gak donlot apa2 ya...
ada yang salah?
@ano1, yang di ubah namanya ke files itu folder yang isinya 900mb an gan, jangan kebalik
ReplyDelete@ano2, pakai glzip terbaru
@ano3, coba ganti ke id dan model lain, kemungkinan itu sama dengan yang lain
pake yang ini juga gak jalan min...
gak ngedonlot apa2... saya pake Firefox 13...
Gan ane dh download nii n work tp pas maen belok kiri mlu knp y
ReplyDeletelapor om
ReplyDeletedi galaxy s3 ane ga bisa checking file
udah coba wifi,2g,3g
katanya unstable network
@ano, ya, same here
ReplyDeletemungkin udah di block ama GL
tunggu official apk nya release aja biar gampang :D
@gunkz, ini versi leak bro, jadi masih banyak masalah :D
@ano atas, sama :D
Parah dah nih game, servernya udh ditutup ama GL, walhasil gak bisa donlot data via HH maupun checking lisensinya. Pihak GL kayanya emang sengaja jadiin ini game sebuah riset dah (pantes di play store kga ada gamenya)
ReplyDeleteharus tunggu official release nya :D
ReplyDeletebokbokloklokchokfokdokroksokpokparaahahhah nihhhghghee ditutupupupup walahhhasiiieeelll fuck this shit.
ReplyDeletetunggu official release aja :D
ReplyDeletelapor om, apknya udah diremoved sama mediapi tuh
ReplyDeletegan yang mana mau di klik buat deviceconfig.xml nya :)
ReplyDeleteitu yang tulisan this nya
ReplyDeleteklik aja :D
kok gak bisa di download ya ???
ReplyDeleterefresh terus aja bro :D
ReplyDeleteGan ane udah coba nih di One V ane tulisannya You dont have enough availber space on your memory card to install this game you need to delet bla-bla-bla
ReplyDeletepadahal masih lega gan sdcard ane :(
versi yang ini emang gak begitu rekomended bro
ReplyDeletemasih not official soalnya :D
jadi ya itu, ada aja maslaah nya
alamat webnya diganti gan jadi version 1.1 >>> menjadi jadi asphalt 7nya udh versi 1.1... 1.0nya udh di tutup dari gemloftnya... begitu klo menurut ane
ReplyDeletegan kok ngga ke download2 ya? cuman tertera link sama blank page gitu
ReplyDeletewait for official release :D
ReplyDeletegan, glzip 2.1 koq cman 22 Kb..ntu musti diflash di recovery HH bukan?
ReplyDeletepake yg 1.06 1.07 kaga bisa..
glzip di jalanin di komputer yang udah terinstall java :D
ReplyDeletejava ane versi 1.6.0_31 gan
tapi ko ane jalanin kluar kek gini
ane pake yg persi 1.04, 1.06 n 1.07 selalu error disini..donglotan ane yg kurang sempurna bukan gan?
ato ada gak sd data wat adreno yg uda jadi(kaga perlu amz amz)...
coba diinstal ulang deh javanya :D
ReplyDeletekoneksi lancar kaga pas dwonload?
biasanya kalau labil, bikin korup :D
IDK how to download this? Any help? BTW, i am using xperia s
ReplyDeleteread the tutorial :D
ReplyDeletemostly all the users here managed to do it, it's so simple though :)
I cant. Tried. I guess maybe i download wrong link. Can u post the download link for xperia s? Because u mention that the words in red must be replaced with the model. Just place link below.
ReplyDeleteprovide the product and device id :D
ReplyDeletedownload yg versi 1.1 dimana ya? minta linknya dunk..
ane udah donlot data nya tp ktnya harus pke apk yg terbaru ya?
btw ane pke SGS 3..
pas dimainin minta donlot terus, pas checking jg gbs..ktny unstable network..
minta pencerahan brooo
APK updated
Deletecoba dites :D
product: xperia s
ReplyDeletedevice ID: I not sure, is it Lt61i?
i got it
Deleteit's LT26i
Reply if it works
apk'nya nyang persi 1.1 ada gak gan....
ReplyDeletecoba yang ada dipost :D
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ReplyDeletegan kalo buat galaxy nexus (gpu power vr) ambil data yg mana?
ReplyDeleteNo download window comes out for
ReplyDeleteom, kalo untuk tegra 3 HTC One X, apk yang cocok yang mana ya?
ReplyDeletethanks :)
pakai versi resmi terbaru
Deletenak kene root ke lau nak men game ni???
ReplyDeleteuse official version
ReplyDeleteno download link appears of the link for xperia neo v,i tried 3 different browsers ie,chrome and mozilla...nothing seems to work please help......
ReplyDeletegan untuk tahap yg ini 3. Copy the extracted files to sdcard/android/data/
ReplyDeletekita harus bikin folder baru dulu ya di data?
kaga usah gan kalau sudah ada